Operation Save the Streets is a mobile task force providing immediate relief to the vulnerable community by delivering meals, personal hygiene, clothing, PPE items and hope—direct to those in need.
Over 65,000 has been fed through this organization!
-Last Updated 2022

Every person matters. Ever penny matters. Set up monthly recurring donations or single donations via PayPal.
You may also send a check or money order to:
Operation Save the Streets
PO Box 183
Spring Texas 77383
Thank you!
$1 can provide a warm meal or a 17 Items kit to a person in need
Our Response To COVID-
We have been on ground zero sine March 2019, providing free PPE items to anyone in need and we will continue helping to provide PPE items to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community
Operation Save the Streets is committed to maximizing the benefit of every dollar to those in need on the streets of our communities. Thanks to corporate partners and community member donations, we present people in need with:
Hot, Nutritious Meals
PPE Items17 ne
Hygiene Items
Financial Assistance
Most Importantly HOPE
“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.”
Sprinkle When You Tinkle
Safety and care begins at home. Shop our home goods and décor now available online. Proceeds from our shop goes into the Operations Save the Streets organization.

We prevent at risk teens and gang violence with a program entitled "Teens@Work"- A program started by the founder to give teens access to on-the-job training with small businesses and/or nonprofit organizations. These teens have created change and new practices to our organization. Our on-the-job training specializes in running a nonprofit
Learning to Build and Expand Their Own Business
Computer and Web Development
Home Economic Skills
Money Management and Budgeting
Volunteers' hours in the community- making streets kits, clothes donation, keeping our social media updated, food prep cook, food handouts coordination, setting up and activities, proper clean up skills, public speaking, community engagement and senior care.
We like our teens to be rich in all stages of running a successful business. We grant them a stipend after 20 hours of work once a month that they can use as monetary funds while keeping them involved in community activity. This program has proven effective, efficient and needed. We have serviced over 100 at risk teenagers throughout Los Angeles area Since 2014. This program keeps our community healthy and our teens busy with community activities, thus creating less violence and gang interaction.